George Bonhair Troupe, an excellent "Risley"
act, received the most attention.
Others billed were Foureaux and Manetti,
Dankfnar-Schiller Troupe, Mile.
Louise's Monkeys and La Valliere's "Football
Dogs," six Baltons and 4 Indanias,
the three last named being new. "The Interior of the Volcano," "The
Magic Waterfall" and "The Palace in the
Centre of the Earth" are the three final
scenes, each outdoing its predecessor in
splendor. "The Magic Waterfall" is
about the prettiest thing seen in the
water-effect line.
The show runs three hours and a half.
It is long but less tiresome than any show
the Hippodrome has yet offered.
The many and varied
scenic effects are nothing short of wonderful,
and there will be many who will vote
this year's production the best the house
has produced.
Variety 15:14 (09/11/1909)