O’Rourke and Adelphi

O’Rourke and Adelphi, a couple of saucy misses, found No. 2 easy and might have done more of their piano act songalogue had they desired. Miss O’Rourke, a brunet colleen with a pleasant personality and delivery, advised them she was going to spend her honeymoon in Dixie-land for her opening number, thereafter the house was heartily interested in her further domestic and social affairs. Accordingly she let them in on the secret, “My Family’s Gone Jazz Mad,” whereupon she exited for a change to allow the titian-tinted Miss Adelphi a solo at the ivories. Saucily, naively, almost daringly, she pounded “Manyana,” all the while nonchalantly disregarding a persistently sliding shoulder strap.
Variety Magazine, LVIII: 8 October 1920