There is one comedian in the troupe of six with a chorus of twelve girls.
The French Ball
Scandal in the Bug Family.
Turtle Dove.
" It is a grave question whether the " New Century Girls" show was placed on the road to amuse and attract or "boom" a certain brand of whiskey. There is naught in the performance extenuating the advertising."
" The "star" featured by an "and" on the programme is Nellie Sylvester, who occupies considerable space on the stage and is hampered through her inability to sing."
" The strongest number in the olio of six acts ( and a cleverly constructed picture of the Vanderbilt Cup Race) is the Bartelli Troupe of three male acrobats."
" The " new Century Girls" may have passed the Censor Committee, but they just about got by."
Variety 4:7 (27/10/1906)