Moran and Mack

Moran and Mack got many of their old laughs and some new titters. They keep adding and taking out, and what they add isn't as crisp as what they took out. Of course, they can't spin the same stuff forever, and should be thanked for evolutionizing their material, as they play here about every third week, anyway. But it might be pointed out to their profit that they should seek to stay on their great main idea, the two pugnacious, braggadocio smokes, threatening one another with slaughter and destruction, and never getting in a blow. That procedure was sound and consistent and beautifully funny; now they are branching off on disassociated gags, and the backbone wobbles and will, in time, disappear, and they will have Jellyfish comedy instead of robust humor.
Variety, 53:13 (02/21/1919)