Milo Beldon and Co.

The act opens in the bedroom of two actors. When the piece begins, the two men are in bed. The alarm clock wakes them up and they begin their usual business. The sister of one is coming to visit; she has money, which her brother is in need of. The friend pretends to be the doctor. He orders the brother south for his health for which the sister should offer some coin. The scheme works.
“Milo Beldon and Co. have one of those near comedy sketches. At times it seems as though it were to develop into a rip roaring laughing affair, but at the vital point, takes a turn for the worse and simmers into a commonplace farcical affair of the sort that makes a bid for big time, and then seeks consolation in the smaller houses.” The scene is not taken seriously, turning the light travesty into sheer horseplay. The doctor is probably Milo Beldon; he puts over his role too carelessly. The brother may look the part, but is a drawback. The sister is the only capable one of the trio, understanding that to put over a comedy sketch in vaudeville is no laughing matter. It could have success on the small big time with the proper attention.
24:5 (10/07/1911)