McMahon’s Water-melon Girls

Two men and seven girls. This is a new act, it opens with stage in two, girls in Indian costume, singing chorus, and McMahon and Nevins, dressed in handsome black suits, following with song and dance, assisted by the girls, then stage opens in full, girls in water-melon suits, standing on each side of stage, a large drop curtain in rear representing a steamboat all lighted, coming up to dock. On the dock is an immense water-melon filled with electric lights, which opens and shows McMahon and Nevins, in black face, reclining inside. They come out sing and dance, assisted by the chorus. It is one of the prettiest and best acts, in that line, ever seen on our stage. It is a great hit, they are encored four and five times, after each song and dance. They made such a hit that we keep them on another week, adding one new song and dance and some new scenery which is very effective. Time 13 minutes.
University of Iowa, Keith-Albee Vaudeville Collection, Manager Reports, 2 September 1902-3 September 1903