Marie and Ann Clark

Singing and jokes.
Marie and Ann Clark got the house sore by buncoing every one. That the fraud registered was due not to artistry from the stage, but to sincere patriotism from in front The first of these women enters without footlights, in uniform, and starts a speech as though to make a patriotic appeal. She has none of the physical appurtenances of an actress, and everyone believes her, until the other, a plant in the house, butts in and takes the stage. The house sat chill and shocked at this, which was an imposition rather than a deception. When the two women started into their ill-begun comedy they unbelted the shabbiest string of low witticisms heard in seasons from a first-class stage. When the one in uniform sang a war ballad neither her voice nor her manner in any way Justified rash an effusion, and it finished without two hands coming together anywhere. The one who apes Kate Elinore tried to follow with a comedy parody, and that met the same result. A "split" which the eccentric does at the end got a feeble hand.
Variety, 54:7 (04/11/1919)