Loney Haskell

Loney Haskell breezed on in fifth spot, his monolog being a keystone for the bill. He has come back from a long trip West, considerably improved in form, also material. Loney has shelved the brutal attacks upon his countenance for good, and that is a good thing for his turn. The routine is along more legitimate monologistic lines than formerly, and it is getting over more easily. He is as industrious as ever in ringing in small burgs in his talk and probably knows the names of more habitable places that adjoin regular cities and near cities than any two singles. He flattered the ladies as usual by saying among other things that they were very nice to be so appreciative on ironing day. Then, for a finish, be sprung a war-victory rhyme and bowed out to an excellent score.
Variety, 54:12 (05/16/1919)