Lean-Holbrook and Co.

This musical comedy entitled “This Is the Spot” was twenty-seven minutes long on the main stage. The sketch stars Cecil Lean and Florence Holbrook as Mr. Henshaw and Miss Farnsworth, respectively. Both are leading players in competing film companies. The setting is a park in full bloom. Each appears with a camera man and begins to pose in the park. Lean does a funny bit about a cowboy committing suicide. Holbrook sings first and gets it over through a catchy chorus. Lean then sings with a good voice. They change costumes several times and appear in evening clothes for a final duet.
"I'm From Missouri, Show Me"; "Then I Drink With My Flagon of Nut Brown Ale"
The duet finale did not land with the audience.
There are many good lines in the sketch, but they are not enough to keep the first fifteen minutes before the singing interesting. Lean is a good comedian and Holbrook is a good feeder, but only part of the comedy at the beginning is actually funny. The signing arrangements also need work.
Variety 26:3 (23/03/1912)