Lawrence Johnston

Johnston has followed the modern form of ventriloquism in regards to the one “dummy” idea, but he has also dug up several new stunts and old school material. For the first ten minutes he does a typical act, smoking, drinking and eating. At one point he even performs a trick which no other ventriloquist, besides Arthur Prince, has done: it sounds as if the dummy and Johnston are speaking at the same time. Apart from his work with the dummy, Johnston does about five minutes of voice throwing. Some of his tricks include the “downstairs” thing and the man gradually approaching. He further does an impression of how the announcement made by a man in the center of Madison Square Garden sounded to him sitting in the top balcony. This won the ventriloquist a hearty round of applause.
It would be wise for the performer to include more instances in which he and the dummy speak at the same time. The ventriloquist did very well and his look and dress is superior. He makes his speciality interesting and entertaining.
Variety 21:8 (01/28/1911)