Jos Hart’s Co.

The scene is set in a living room, with its slanting roof, slickers and sou’easters hanging in the corner, its few pictures of life on the ocean and its snugness and immaculateness, presenting a picture both true and inviting. Windows look out on the water and flitting clouds.
"April Showers," a new playlet by Frank Craven, takes place in the cottage of an old seas-faring man "Down Cape Cod Way." Uncle Dan (Sam Reed) is a particular confident of a young couple engaged to be married. Billy (James Curran, Jr.) comes to tell Uncle Dan that the engagement is off. He wants to leave his small town for the big city. He explains that one surely "couldn't be expected to get along in his home town when its increase in population was only five in the last twelve years." A thunder storm comes upon them quickly and Norah (Edna Blair) takes refuge in the cottage. Uncle Dan brings the young folk back together as the storm lends "heart interest" to a refreshing story.
Jos. Hart has gone to no little trouble and care to surround himself with just the proper "atmosphere." This is a pleasant playlet that should be acceptable everywhere.
Variety 22:4 (04/01/1911)