Charley Howard is the backbone of the show.
The show contains a quantity of old material.
There is no olio.
The program bills about twenty members, but there do not seem to be as many.
The chorus contains twenty girls.
Whirlwind dancing performed byMartin Ferrari and Mabel Percival.
Nell Capron's singing was very good.
Follies of the Moulin Rouge.
I'll Build a Fence Around You
Emalina Lee
The plot is a bit thicker than the general run of burlesque shows, but still will not hold water. It is enough to keep the story together and give a fairly plausible reason for some of the comedy.
The show is strong in comedy many because of Charley Howard is a comedian who is funny.
Murtig & Seamon have a very good burlesque show in the "Follies." It will be better than seventy-five per cent of the shows that will be seen this season.
Variety 20:6 (15 October 1910)