Hill and Fair

[New Act] Piano and dances, 14 mins, full (special). Two girls presenting a dance routine in a set of special drapes, with Hal Smith at the piano and offering the song numbers necessary to the introduction of each dance. The idea is a neat one and rather well worked out. With a little more speed the girl will be ready for the big time in an early spot. The piano player in the weak spot of the act at present; he fails to get his material over at any stage of the act. They open with a double; this is followed by a single with toe dancing, a fox trot double, and then an imitation of Eddie Leonard by one of the girls; a piano specialty by Smith, and a jazz double by the girls at close. The act is pretty and the girls work well together. There are three sets of costumes for the double and two for the singles.
Variety Magazine, LVIII: 26 November 1920