Hendricks and Evans

Singing and comic dialogue.
The war did a good turn for Hendricks and Evans by bringing them together in a vaudeville act that no doubt will keep them working for some time to come. Mr. Hendricks (formerly of Hendricks and Padula) joined the Army in February 1918, becoming a sergeant, while Evans (formerly of Anderson and Evans) went into the Navy in August 1917, and is credited with having made ten trips to France. Hendricks and Evans were seen to good advantage in the new stage combination on the special "military festival bill" at Keeney's Brooklyn Tuesday night. They were in uniform, Hendricks wore a white chevron (service) and a white star, while Evans, as a chief petty officer, sported two overseas chevrons. In "One" they meet, shake hands, Hendricks asking for a light, with subsequent songs and talk, excellently put over. Some of the crossfire hinges on war talk, with several of the gags as follows: "I saw you going into the Y.M.C.A. hut." "Yes, I went in to get a package of cigarettes but I didn't buy them because I didn't have the 90c." "What port do you like best?" "Port wine." The solos and duets included "When I Get Back to My Old Home Town," "Old Pal o' Mine," "Remember Forever Is a Long, Long Time" (by Sergt. Hendricks), "Another Good Man Gone Wrong" (Evans), with the pair getting big returns on "Wonderful Mammy of Mine" at the close. The act scored a solid hit. The men were surefire on that special Keeney bill.
Variety, 53:13 (02/21/1919)