Harry Green

Comic lines.
Everybody has something to be thankful for. Harry Green has Aaron' Hoffman. The new sketch Mr. Hoffman wrote for Mr. Green is lots better than the first of the George Washington Cohen series. It is so constituted that the author didn't have to worry much about plot. The result is that every other line is a laugh and every third line a scream. The gags come so swiftly that some shoot over the heads of the dull-witted, but they catch the laugh on the contagion of those who catch the gag. Green is immense in the sketch, and the satire of the piece is sweetened with just enough philosophy to make it stand up as a playlet rather than mere patter. The transformation of the. red ticket into the white one is a sweet thought, and the speech which follows it could well be used by any minister as a text for any sermon before any congregation.
Variety, 54:10 (05/02/1919)