"A Live Wire."
The bill was nicely laid out to show off the headliner and there was nothing to conflict in the early part, Harry Beresford, with the assistance of a, company of four, presented a classy little playlet called, "A Live Wire." It is splendidly played, making a very interesting little story with a bit of high finance neatly woven into a love match, and so well written that it seems a pity, Stephen Champlin couldn't have thought out some way to introduce the transfer of $5,000 from the old man to the girl, besides what resembled a burlesque money-changing bit it does seem a bit odd that an old man, should Just happen to have $5,000 lying loosely in his pocket. Still, that is a minor detail in a very good vaudeville sketch.
Variety, 54:8 (04/18/1919)