Hans Robert and Co.

This sketch entitled “the Judge’s Son” was nineteen minutes long on the full stage. The sketch was adapted from the denunciation scene in the third act of “A Man of Honor.” Edmund Breese plays the Judge and Hans Roberts plays the son. The two men are complete opposites, as the Judge stands for integrity and honesty while the son cares for nothing of the kind.
The sketch only held the attention of certain sections of the audience. Although there was some quiet laughter during the telling, the audience applauded at its conclusion.
The ending does not quite suit vaudeville, but it is the only logical ending the sketch could have. It could perhaps last a round in the big vaudeville houses. Albert Andnus and Hans Roberts have difficult roles, but they play them admirably. Ruth Rose, however, gives a "colorless" performance in an unimportant role.
Variety Vol. 25:10 (02/10/1912)