“Hands Across the Seas”

The body of the show is in "Hands Across the Sea," the lengthy, never great, never bad compound of ballad singing, hard-shoe stepping, quartet harmonizing and costume changing In which the Lovenberg sisters are featured and Simon Neary, a versatile fellow, stands out. Neary has a tenor and falsetto voice, dances dizzily and plays a hornpipe better than a windbag has a right to be played. He could do a banner single. But he doesn't have to, as the little Lovenbergs break up his act with several styles of dainty hoofing to the taste of the house. Other men and girls, dressed all the way from animals to allies, surround and support and tune and tap along, forming a galaxy of pictures in setting. The act runs very long, but it keeps moving. For that sort it should slip by without criticism, for it is one of the best of the meaningless revues.
Variety, 53:13 (02/21/1919)