Gus Edwards’ “Blonde Typewriters”

The idea of placing six typewriting machines, operators, and a stock ticker, with an office boy, representing a busy sanctum, in a “center-door-fancy” is an incongruity. The girls are all of the blonde variety, with the betting about even which one used the strongest per- oxide, and one or two having been satisfied with a diluted solution.
The musical numbers included "Does Anybody Want a Blonde?" with a catchy chorus, allowing of "business" with the audience, and "Schooldays." The latter was sung by Hazel Robinson, who, with Dorothy Hutchinson, gives all the life there is among the females. Miss Robinson has a sweet, full voice, looks well without being too "blondy," and evinces a natural comedy bent that has apparently been checked. Were she to be given a free rein, and told to make fun, the chances are greatly in favor of her doing it.
Johnnie Stanley leads the young women, with a mixture of songs, impersonations and dances. He seemed to please to some extent, relying upon his own individuality.
The chorus singing is weak, and there is a football finish, not well worked at all, but giving two minutes in "one" for a close. The dressing is a pretty grey, with no change of costume, and the girls wearing colored heels, a garish combination. One of the smaller members is permitted a bow on her hair, contrary to the appearance of the others. This is a burlesque trait, where the foot- ball game evidently came from before a suggestion of it appeared in "The Little Cherub." If Mr. Edwards wants his latest act to be a solid success, he had better have it attended to.
Variety 6:5 (06/29/1907)