Impersonation of Fannie Brice.
Next was Georgie Price, who somehow showed up better No. 2 at the Palace than he has at any of the other New York houses. He seemed to take his imitations with more seriousness of effort, attesting that he is a faithful imitator if he wishes to be. His impersonation of Fannie Brice, in costume, which brought him a hit of no mean dimension, Is one of the best bits of mimicry vaudeville has seen. Young Mr. Price has a habit of addressing the audience as "Folks." Two other acts on the bill did the same thing during the evening. Even admitting an artist should address the audience at all, it should never be other than "Ladles and Gentlemen" at the Palace. That "Folks" thing sounds ruralistic.
Variety, 54:1 (02/28/1919)