Georgia Earl and Co.

The situation is not really new: two girls call at a young man's office at the same time. He tries to pass off one as a cousin, the other as the wife of a friend. His pal is forced to come in and impersonate the "husband." Both girls know the friend, so it's off. The man is discovered, and the trio leave him flat. He vows never again, but the telephone rings and he makes a date with Mabel. Two men and two women make up Miss Earl's company.
Earl and her company should have remained in the theatre to watch Wilfred Clarke and Co. put over their sketch to secure a proper idea of just what is needed in a 20 minute farce. If Miss Earl had not taken a bow alone, or at least with one of the men at the finish, it would have been nearly impossible to pick out the star. She has no more to do than anyone else, and in fact, she is less suited to the farce than anyone else. The situations lack real laughing qualities. It is a fair sketch, played fairly well. It will do nicely for the small time.
Variety 22:11 (05/20/1911)