Geo. Beban & Co.

In “The Sign of the Rose”. This is one of the most beautiful plays, if not THE most beautiful, ever done in vaudeville and it made a decided hit with audience and there is no question but that it will draw money. Mr. Beban is entitled to credit for his individual work and for the manner in which he has mounted the play, but he ought to be spanked for the company he gives for his support at the salary he receives. After having seen Frank Sheridan play the detective, the present man seems dire. Neither is the leading woman adequate. No doubt this will pass largely unnoticed, but it seems to me for the money we are paying that we are entitled to much better. 25 Min. F.S.
University of Iowa, Keith-Albee Vaudeville Collection, Manager Reports, 25 October 1909-30 May 1910