
Frisco, returning with by far the best act he has ever shown, went through and over. Loretta McDermott and Eddie Cox give him more and better support than he ever got from any jazz band. Loretta is the cute dancing jelly bean of always, and Cox sings melodiously and hoofs it brilliantly. Frisco has acquired poise, which does not hurt his Apache character and does help make him as an entertainer. He gets in all his dancing and whizzes over (if one can whizz and stutter at the same time) many a nifty. Frisco has been credited with handing out more bright lines and using less than nay other natural jester of the day. Now he uses a few famous cracks himself. He is a headliner at last, not as a freak or a fad. He entertains today. Whereas hitherto he was a Chicago institution reputed to be a New York sensation, and Chicago claims its own verdict on its own institutions.
Variety Magazine, LVIII: 12 November 1920