Frank Fogarty

Mr. Fogarty was put in at the last moment to replace MELVILLE & HIGGINS, who dropped out of the bill because of the death of Miss Melville’s father. To say that Mr. Fogarty made a hit or created a riot, would be expressing it most mildly. He just took every soul in that audience and stood them on their heads and jumped them up and down and twisted them around and landed them back in their seats. If there is any single act in the world worth the salary he is getting, this man certainly is. Considering the success that he made, together with the tremendous following that he has in the various cities, I am inclined to believe we are not over-paying him, although I had held off a long time before putting him in. However, I am glad he is with us this week and feel that his engagement will be profitable. 21 Min. in One. Left the audience crying for more.
University of Iowa, Keith-Albee Vaudeville Collection, Manager Reports, 11 December 1911-9 September 1912