15 Mins.; One. Florence and Lillian would be enough. Nobody would stand for the inferred “sister stuff” after a single look at them. After that the girls want to hie themselves to a couple of publishing houses and get new songs, then get someone to arrange for them a routine, and they will, with the aid of some work, evolve a “sister act” that will go right over the small time like a race-horse. The girls are dressing nicely, have good voices, look well, and it seems indeed a shame that they were not properly advised before breaking in. The taller has a rare voice for vaudeville, outside of the regular prima donnas, and the little girl looks, as though she might be a possibility as a comedienne. Just at present she is working straight and it is handicap. A few weeks with some one who could tell them what to do and pick their material would make the girls a contender for better time. They look fresh, and vaudeville is always ready to welcome new faces, if you can back them up with talent, which these girls seem to have.
Variety, Volume XXXVI, no.12, November 21, 1914