Fletcher Norton and Conley Sisters

It was rather daring of the trio to come to the most prominent New York house to "break in" their new act.
The trio performed eight numbers. Norton performed the "French Flip Flop," which he did in the last Valeska Surratt offering. The girls fall a bit short in their dressing for this number. They should adopt a chic, French style of attire to match Norton's foreign air. The sisters perform their "Moon" song, putting it over well. They finish the act with a "rag" finish. In between these numbers Norton and Anna Conley perform a number which involve imitations of Jack Norworth and Albert Whelan and Effie performs a "coon" song.
Considering the running time, 14 minutes, they seem to be doing more than seems possible. The quantity of songs did not interfere with the quality. However, none of the numbers are good and a better arrangement can be found. They have a pleasing variety of repertoire which gives Norton the opportunity to show off his voice as well as his dancing skills. He and the sisters are all hard workers. Currently the act just shows a lack of rehearsing, but is snappy, fast and breezy. The act is placed in so early a position that it seems almost certain death, but they plow through things and pull out a very fair victory.
Variety 22:10 (05/13/1911)