Singing and harp.
"Chu Chin Chow."
A girl harpiste looks very nice, but doesn't understand how to make up her mouth, nor does the clean-up, and as the hokum season has been on for some time now, there is no reason why this turn shouldn't do the same anywhere. The act seems to have a prize in the harpiste. Perhaps no one in the act has noticed this girl is playing popular music on the harp. She's the nearest to a rag harpist vaudeville, or any other field, has seen. As much as possible should be made out of it. Ragging on the harp! And so many can not even get away with a minor accompaniment on that instrument. The girl has the right idea. She should bear down on it heavily. The act got away big with its encore in "Chu Chin Chow" fashion to the song and tune of "Hindustan." That's some song.
Variety, 54:6 (04/04/1919)