Fads and Fancies

Jefferson Totter (Edw. A. Locke), a hanker, is running for the New Jersey Legislature, and has been handled roughly by the local newspapers. He becomes incensed against all connected with the papers, particularly the reporters. Tom Knowall (Milton Nobles), after vainly trying to gain admission to the house by bribing the servant, succeeds in obtaining admission through a window. After an interview with Potter he convinces him that he needs a press agent, and is hired on the spot.
The sketch is too long, and at times becomes tiresome. Mr. Nobles, as the reporter, makes his comedy points tell, but seems to be miscast. He reminds one too forcibly of his exceedingly good "drunk" in the old sketch rather than the bright, active young man one would expect. Mr. Locke did well enough. Mrs. Nobles has little to attend to and one wishes there were more of her. Miss St. George Hussay as a servant was acceptable.
Variety 6:5 (06/29/1907)