Eva Tanguay

32 min. in one. Second and last week. From today’s house and enthusiasm, it is safe to predict that Tanguay is still drawing them and will continue to do so. Sang her usual repertoire and received enthusiastic applause from the advance hand up to the finish. Her “money” song, during which she scatters pennies into the audience, made its usual sensation. People have an idea that these pennies are a sort of mascot and carry them away for souvenirs. As far as Philadelphia is concerned, Tanguay is without doubt Vaudeville’s best card as she not only draws them in, but sends them away satisfied and is undoubtedly this season doing the best and most varied act she has ever done.
University of Iowa, Keith-Albee Vaudeville Collection, Manager Reports, 13 June 1910-20 February 1911