Ethel Barrymore & Co.

There is no need to dwell upon Miss Barrymore’s sketch or her ability. I just what [sic] to mention that we have the biggest advance sale ever in the history of vaudeville in Providence and thousands of people are clamoring for seats, who will not be able to get them. With Miss Tanguay – the opposition up the street – there were on Saturday and this morning plenty of seats to be had and it didn’t look as if she was going to do any business to talk about, in spite of tremendous billing. Our advertising is a little more than ordinary. My only fear is that we will turn away so many people that in their desire to go somewhere, and nothing else of consequence in town, we are going to help Miss Tanguay’s business, Miss Barrymore’s act was received most cordially. 27 min. F.S. At 7 o’clock tonight there were plenty of seats available in all parts of the house for the Tanguay show tonight – we are sold out for the week.
University of Iowa, Keith Albee Vaudeville Collection, Manager Reports, 9 September 1912 – 24 February 1913.