16 Mins.
“Dance Creations.”
One and Three (Special Sets and Hangings).
For the finish, an Egyptian dance number which presumably was some sort of an interpretative dance, was shown. Suffice it, no one was interested in interpreting it, other than watching Miss Myers go through the gyrations of her dance. She appears barefooted and stockingless well up to her thighs, the upper portion of her anatomy also being similarly spared of coverings. Except for breastplates, it was a nude intermission unto the waist. Even below that a diaphonous arrangement of the costume imparted an effect that brought gasps from the audience. In the course of her dance, Miss Myers has occasion to doff an outer portion of her costume as well as her breastplates, the act of removing the latter raising another nervous giggle barrage from the frails present. However, It only disclosed her anatomy.
Variety, LXII: 11, May 6, 1921