Edgar Bixley

The dressing is admirably arranged, clean and neat in all particulars and still indicating the tramp character.
Mr. Bixley is somewhat hampered in the selection of musical numbers with which to break up the steady line of talk, but this defect may easily be remedied. As the monologue is now delivered Bixley opens with “Sallie in Our Alley,” displaying a splendid voice of big range and agreeable quality; with a curious falsetto. This is his only number. From then to the finish his talk is continuous for 14 minutes.
The material is all new and pointed, but Bixley handles it in a rather monotonous conversational way that detracts somewhat from its value. A little dance and some trifling business of the clown sort would help immensely.
Variety 5:3 (05/18/1907)