Davis & McCauley

In a sketched entitled ‘Pals.’ The cast includes Mr. Davis and his wife and two men, making four people in all. The sketch is constructed evidently from an idea taken from the sensational piece that has been playing so long in England called ‘Humanity.’ With the exception of about a minute and a half, or possibly two minutes, the sketch is really a bright and pleasing comedy act, full of brilliant lines and with the situations thoroughly worked out, and if it were criticized from that standpoint alone it would be a mighty good act on any bill. But it is the climax which makes the hit and consists of the strongest and most realistic piece of stage fighting that I can recollect of ever having seen. In fact, the audience was so thoroughly worked up that the applause commenced – at least in this house – half a minute before the fight finished and continued until the end, when there was a perfect ovation and the curtain had to be raised four or five times. During the fight there is considerable crockery broken, electric lights are smashed, and the balustrade of a pair of stairs in broken, and, taken all in all, it is an awfully strong act. It can be featured to the fullest extent in any house that plays it. 23 minutes, full stage.
University of Iowa, Keith-Albee Vaudeville Collection, Manager Reports, 21 September 1903-14 March 1904