Crimmins & Gore

Own set in 3, 24 minutes. Man & woman in an eccentric sketch with no plot or reason therefore, based on the Bowery life. While it does not seem possible to excuse the writing of such a sketch, it need only be said that they received no small reception on their appearance here to-day, and were able to arouse laughter which was almost continuous throughout the sketch and carried them off to very good applause. While the act is somewhat coarse and not up to what we generally expect of people in this position, viewed from the view-point of the amusement maker, they got by very strongly. Crimmins does some German dialect work very well, but the lady amounts to nothing except as to her elongated and slender figure, which fits very well into the part. They took Howard & Bland’s place to-day, that pair not showing up. 2 shows.
University of Iowa, Keith-Albee Vaudeville Collection, Manager Reports, 21 September 1903-14 March 1904