Coy De Trickey

10 Mins.; One. Coy De Trickey sings popular songs in blackface. The blackface is all right and so is Coy, but the songs are not popular enough – at least those she now employs. The second, a ballad, could be cast forth; it doesn’t belong to a girl who bills herself as a “blackface comedienne.” Miss De Trickey is more of a “Coon shouter,” and since the cake walk is coming back among the rag dances, why should not coy let herself out as a shouter, becoming the sole survivor among many of this type in the past? Miss De Trickey could improve upon her dressing scheme, and it is just as likely, too, that if she would “coonshout” in white face the girl would do quite as well, if not better, although she is good looking under the cork, which is made too dark at the present. But whatever Coy does, she should be careful of the song selection. Let these be of the best and all lively numbers. With a little care Miss De Trickey, in black or white face, should become a standard card on the small time.
Variety, Volume XXXVI no. 5, October 3, 1914