"Nick's 45," written by George Fredericks, if a comedy offering with a touch of pathos at the end. Macy plays Nick, the general utility man around the Grand Palace Hotel (Taylorburg, Ill.), who outcasts Jim Brady, played by Mr. Von Metzel, the manager of a mediocre travelling show troupe out of a hard sleep before daylight, Nick informs him that the room must be turned over to a travelling man. In conversation with Nick, Brady uncovers that he is crazy to go on the stage and has $45 in cash. Nick falls for the scheme and forks over the money, departing to get ready. Brady decides to leave his troupe in the lurch to go to Chicago. He decides to bring Mary, played by Miss Hall, an actress with him, but she turns out to be Nick's sister. Nick chokes Brady, recovering his money and starts him for his train. Mary decides to stay with her brother who generously turns over his money to help with the troupe's transportation to Chicago. At the curtain-fall Nick says, "Seems like that forty-five was bound to get into the show business."
Macy and Hall have a knack of making their characters really human - genuine types, not overdone nor exaggerated. Each character is splendidly played. Mr. Von Metzel in particular did excellent work. The dialog is full of unadulterated comedy.
Variety 22:12 (05/27/1911)