Bud and Nellie Heim

The girl sings and the boy does a little dancing, tumbling, some singing, and even more clowning.
Nellie has a sweet, powerful singing voice. When Bud joins her, the surprise is complete. Although the little fellow has a boyish voice, he has power behind it. Together, they are a remarkable singing combination. Singing, however, is not Bud's forte. Laughs are what he goes for and what he gets. Bud is one of those naturally funny kids with a vein of humor. He is not Precocious, nor "fresh," not "smart," but rather a bully of a performer with a gift for seeing humor in everything. The Helm Children have waited a long time to get into New York. Now they should be repaid by remaining here long enough to see all the sights, and become acquainted.
Variety 24:3 (09/23/1911)