Brice and King

Elizabeth Brice and Charles King have arranged a new turn since leaving "The Slim Princess."
They open with a number, probably entitled "$1.98," about a store figure or the dress upon it. $1.98 is about all the song is worth. Miss Brice sings a coon and kid song. The coon number was "Smiling Sam." Mr. King later sang something about being please he is a single. Similar to the "Princess" show, the song has one or two gags about marriage.
All they do of mention is the finale. The song, "Dixie Land," was the hit of "The Slim Princess." Perhaps the play should not have closed. They should reinstall their previous act. Miss Brice does not know how to sing a "single," nor does she know how to sing a "coon" or "kid" song. They will hurt themselves and their young team reputation if they continue as they are.
Variety 22:5 (04/08/1911)