6 Mins.; Full Stage
Two men in evening clothes, one straight, other comedian, doing “drunk” and taking half a dozen brimming drinks in open glasses from his pockets after violent acrobatic feats. The ground tumbling is made up of simple, familiar feats, neatly enough done, rows of flip- flaps, series of twisters and bark lay-outs. There is a clever bull terrier used in rough and fumble combinations. For the finish they build a two high, with the dog standing on his hind legs upon the cap of the top mounter… The routine Is already under way as the curtain goes up. The audience’s first flash shows the straight man in a hand stand in the middle of the stage (a parlor set here) with the dog trotting figure is between his arms. The advantage of this arrangement is clear for a closing turn, inasmuch as it seizes the attention of the audience which might be started to the exits by the elaborate parade which usually precedes the feature work of most athletic turns, and which usually has no quick movement to arrest attention.
Variety, LXI: 10, January 28. 1921.