Comic dialogue.
"Dollars and Sense."
Judging by applause and the number, of curtains, Alan Brooks might be awarded the hit honors of the show with his vaudeville classic. "Dollars and Sense," described as a "comedy dramalet." He is assisted by an unbilled company of three. Mr. Brooks wrote the piece himself. He has several corking epigrams in the piece which, at times, went over the audience's head. He took about a dozen curtains and, in answer to insistent applause, made a little speech announcing that some two years ago, when the playlet was first produced, the author's friends could not see how it would ever prove successful with the woman In the act being out of sympathy with the audience. He explained that he fooled all the "wise ones" by the very fact that the playlet is a success.
Variety, 54:8 (04/18/1919)