A Happy Pill

Mrs. Felix plays a slavey who is lovesick for the occupant of an apartment under her charge. He is an actor named James Darling. Before he becomes an actor, Mr. Felix (who plays the double role) is a French Count. Hewit. in blackface, says he knew him when he was a waiter.
What Mr. McWade should have done was to stop writing at this point, and let the two men settle the question between them. With a competent cast, the "slavey" part would have carried the piece, although it is an old, frayed out idea. Mrs. Felix just misses making anything of that part. Mr. Felix may enjoy the protean work he is doing. It is a matter of record that he made a change of wearing apparel. If he did anything else it wasn't noticeable. Mr. McWade is an author, and he might bear in mind that eighteen minutes make a long stretch.
Variety 7:4 (07/27/1907)