A Happy Family

Miss Turner wore such a hideously unbecoming gown that you could not forget it long enough to notice anything else about her
It's all about a young couple, very jealous. Just when they are about to go in for divorce proceedings, all the relatives drop in and mix up in a free for all. The young people decide that anything is better than relatives, so give up the idea of divorce, drive off the intruders, and live happily ever after. There are six people in the proceedings, the work of Glen White, the hus- band, who plays "straight" for everyone, alone standing out. Mr. White is capable of better things. Of the rest Fleurette De Mar adds some life, but at time drops her French accent. Frank Tierney, a cross between a college boy and second story man, it was hard to tell which, didn't cash in. Edith Crolius and Louise Reming, the two mothers, were funny in spots, the spots where they were expected to be serious, and Dorothy Turner was the wife.
There is a plot. No one pays any attention to it, not even the players after the first few minutes. The piece caught a fair percentage of laughs at the Brooklyn house. The production is not one expected from a producer of Mr. Hart's reputation. With some of the rougher comedy business out, the skit would make a first rate after-piece in a burlesque show.
Variety 10:3 (10/19/1907)