Singing, talking and dancing skit, 12 minutes (I). Good act, with practically everything therein new and up-to-date. Their running fire of badinage is refreshingly new and found the vulnerable spot in the adamantine armor in which a Woonsocket audience is usually encased, the laughter which greeted their efforts being a genuine tribute to the excellence which predominates thouout [sic] the entire act.
Dutch comedian, 14 minutes in (I). Good act, his songs being the catchy variety, while his dissertation on connubial felicity is hilariously funny, and productive of great laughter. The audience received him graciously, and the act is a pronounced success.
Comedy sketch, 16 minutes, full stage, special set. Comedy gets more or less laughter and the audience receives them kindly. Their special set is well executed depicting a kitchen with all of its various appertenances [sic]. Would question its strength as a feature act, particularly when one considers the salary which is almost exorbitant for a thin of its kind.
Singer comedienne, 12 minutes in (1). An ordinary act, sings well but the comedy does not seem to arrive, although her work is largely original. A well-gowned act, displaying some striking examples of the modiste’s [sic] art, which fact alone endears her to the femininity which constitutes a goodly proportion of our audience.
In ‘At the Club’, 5 men, full stage CDF. POSITIVELY A SONG FEAST! I am not often at a loss for words, but upon this particular occasion I must confess that my vocabulary is altogether inadequate and totally insufficient wherewith to describe this act in all its glowing features. This is my confession, and if there be any shame there-in, I am quite willing to accept the shame. You yourself, who have witnessed the offering in all its glory, and I do not consider this adjective one whit too strong, can perhaps appreciate my position, and agree with me that the very futility of any attempt at description would disconcert one at the very outset. This much I can emphatically say, that it is the one act that will cause the Bijou’s reputation to be handed down to future posterity as the home of real vaudeville. The one act that will forever remain the brightest gem in memory’s golden chalise [sic].
Singing, talking and dancing skit. 13 minutes in (I). Fairly good act, the man displaying considerable ability in his dancing numbers. The girl helps considerably with her comedy propensities which were successful in production more or less laughter. Their singing in worthy of at least passing mention.
Comedy and sensational cyclists, 12 m, F.S. Very good act, containing much of a highly sensational nature, the various feats being performed with an almost reckless disregard for the performers safety. The audience was quick to recognize the sterling qualities of the act, and the applause accorded in attestation of the excellence of this offering was most satisfying.
Singing, dancing and talking skit, 10 minutes in (1). Good act, which had the audience interested throughout. Their comedy is refreshingly new and provocative of much hearty laughter. In exemplification of the poetry of motion these two are supreme and are well up in the very front ranks of terpsichorean devotees. Applause which was truly well deserved rewarded their efforts.
Dancing and musical, 10 minutes, in (1). Two ladies. In the building of any enterprise great or small it is necessary to have first a foundation upon which to work, but this these two have not got, having practically little or nothing of a commendable nature, unless perhaps the very few minutes which one of the ladies has alone at the piano, this being the only bright little oasis in an otherwise dreary waste of mediocrity. Their instruments were badly out of tune, and this fact was very apparent out in front, and upon my adjuration to rectify this fault I received assurances that this would be better cared for upon the next performance.
Singing and talking, 12 minutes in (I). Good act with plenty of bright and breezy comedy, along new and original lines, the man in particular being very funny. The lady is of very prepossessing appearance, sings well and all in all makes an admirable foil for the man’s abilities as a real comedian. Received unmistakable evidence of approval of an audience which was quick to recognize the excellence of this truly meritorious offer.