The talkative magician, 12 minutes in (I). Good act; he shows practically all of the stuff usually seen in a vaudeville magician’s offering. He is very skillful in the handling of apparatus, and if he has a failing it is his weakness in the pure slight-of-hand business, such as the continuous front and back-hand palming of cards and coins, the ‘modus operandi’ of some of the feats being quite apparent. He went fairly well, receiving considerable applause.
10 minutes, open in one, close in full. Man and lady. An exceptionally good act, in fact the best of its kind that has yet played here. Their exposition of all the latest society dances is particularly good, and they are the one big hit of the bill, their reception by all audiences being little short of ovational.
(Biglelow Cambell and Rayden) in a rathskeller [sic] offering songs and piano playing a very good act of its kindand [sic] got away to big finish and was a good hit. 12 min. in one with a piano.
Musical act, 16 minutes full stage. Particularly good act, and their reception by the audience was a repetition of the huge success gained by them during their visit here last season. The instrumental selections are very good, while the vocal renditions by one of the members are exceptionally good and the act received long and continued applause from an audience that was quick to recognize the sterling qualities of the offering. The absence of the male member would perhaps hurt the act to some extent, although his cello solo is no being handled by pianist and violinist to very good effect. Upon making inquiry as to his adsence [sic] I elicited information to the effect that he intended to lay off awhile and that he had engaged a performer to take his place and join the act here. His failure to materialize seems to make little difference to the reception of the act which has been going big at every performance.
The Bashful Man and A Maid, 17 minutes in (I). An exceptionally good act, causing one long continuous laugh occasioned by the comedy propensities of the man who is indeed a real comedian. The girl is no less clever and makes an admirable foil for the man’s exploitations of hilarious comedy. The act went big, and deservedly so for it is full of bright, sparkling, effervescent fun.
Mimic, 9 minutes in (I). Very good act, his various imitations being very realistic, and disclosing versatility and originality in a marked degree. A very subtle vein of humour permeates the entire act and produce much laughter and applause from a thoroughly appreciative audience.
Singing, talking and eccentric dancing, 13 in (I). All things considered, especially the money question, I doubt their strength as constituting a feature act. One of the two has little to do with the exception of one comic song which gets away fairly big, the bulk of the work falling upon the other member who evidences much ability as a comedian.
Singing comedienne, 10 minutes in (I).
A somewhat different girl,
With a somewhat different style;
She easily shows us how to
The tedious hours beguile.
Her act is very clever,
And she manifests much skill,
And we have seldom ever
Had one better on our bill.
The house received her with acclaim
For her songs are all well-done,
And she will add to the Bijou’s fame,
By the plaudits she has won.
Acrobatic, 7 minutes, (2) special drop. Very good act, quite the best of its kind seen here for some time. Their hand balancing is remarkable, and they perform some truly amazing feats, requiring great muscular development, and their work is characterized by grace and agility seldom seen in acts of this kind.
Juggling novelty, 8 minutes, full stage. Good act, showing considerable digital dexterity in the manipulation of hoops, in which department they are really very clever, while their diabolo playing is of the same high meritorious quality. They work fast and with a surety that is good to witness, and the audience was interested and appreciative in no small degree.