An excellent act to open the show; A real clever fellow is this Ray Snow; Who gives us fifteen minutes of song and funny talk; And all over his rivals he could ‘win in a walk’; The house received him kindly and were generous with applause; So vigorous that it must have reached quite to the outer doors; and when at last ‘twas over, and his act had all been done; The audience plainly showed that they had had some wholesome fun.
Musical act, 14 minutes, full stage, special set. Good act, displaying considerable ability in the performance on the xylophone which went very well with the audience. Their closing business the scene of which depicts the blacksmith shop, is very good, they performing upon the various articles found therein in a most capable way that won for them enthusiastic applause.
Singing, talking and dancing skit, 15 minutes, (3). Fair act, making some very heroic attempts at comedy which does not seem to ‘arrive.’ A fairly good dance at the finish redeems the act to some extent.
Roller skating, 8 minutes, full stage. Good act, showing many skillful and difficult moves all performed in such a masterly way as to leave a most favorable impression.
Singing, talking and dancing. 12 minutes in (1). Fairly good act. Open a trifle weak, but improve steadily and surely as the act progresses, until at the expiration they show a Dutch specialty that has never been equaled at our house. In this bit their dancing is excellent and quite won the house, receiving good applause.
A beautiful and interesting act showing many various titles posed with wondrous grace and charm. The many beautiful colors employed makes a most gorgeous riot of color, and constitutes a most unique and beautiful novelty.
Acrobatic dancing, 8 minutes full stage. Good act, disclosing some very novel and unique work in acrobatic dancing. I would not however, consider them strong enough for a feature, as in consideration of the excellence of the two remaining acts, it must need be a particularly good act that could hope to over-top them as a feature, and this act does not do, inasmuch as each of the other two acts met with more approval than did the feature.
Musical, 14 minutes in (1). Boy & girl. Good act, the instrumental selections being particularly well rendered, especially is this true of the violin renditions by the lady. She manifests much skill and the audience bestowed the most hearty applause. They were the big success of the bill.
8 minutes, full stage. Wonderfully good act: They created a veritable sensation by their whirlwind ground tumbling, and lofty acrobatics; They work extremely fast, and every thing is new. The audience accorded them tremendous applause, quickly recognizing the wonderful nature of their performance.
Singing and piano, 12 minutes in (1). Good act, showing a good choice of songs, rendered in voices of good caliber. One of the ladies is suffering from a very severe cold, which makes her task doubly difficult, but happily this fact escapes the notice of the audience, who accorded good applause.