Singing, talking & dancing skit. 13 minutes, open in one close full. Lady and man. A very good dancing number at the finish helps to redeem the act from a low and draggy begining [sic], and helps to offset the rather uninteresting material with which the act abounds until the arrival of the dance.
11 minutes full stage. 2 ladies. 1 man. Singing of one the ladies fairly acceptable, while the violin selections by the other lady are fairly well done. The act as a whole falls down because the illusion is far from perfect. The racket and noise occasioned by the manipulation of the apparatus is very objectionable being plainly heard in the extreme rear of the theatre. Again the girl in the guise of the butterfly does not float over the heads of the audience as do some acts of this nature; the crane supporting her extends hardly to the orchestra pit, and instead of a smooth rhythmic motion in the flight it is all a series of jumps and jerks thus robbing the act of its real pretensions, the flight of the butterfly. There is much to be done in the way of lubrication of the bearings and other parts of the machinery before a perfect illusion can be attained, and without this, the act falls far short of its advertised intentions.
15 minutes full stage. Fairly good musical act, the youthful membr [sic] sustains the act considerably more because of his juvenility than any real musical talent. The lady with the cornet is one of the best features of the act. Many of the selections are somewhat antiquated, and if there were more of real melody and less volume of noise the act would benefit greatly.
Singer, 14 minutes, (1). Quite ordinary, seems to rely upon peculiarities to a considerable extent in the way of mannerisms. At the first performance the utilization of profanity did not tend to help the act. I insisted upon the elimination of this business with the result that it was absent at the evening performance. His lady partner seated in the box assists in the rendition of his last number.
23 minutes full stage special set. 5 ladies. 2 men. A novelty pure and simple. What with beautiful scenic and lighting effects, combined with the creation of beautiful and at times almost gorgeous style conceptions upon some extremely comely and attractive living models, the act easily occupies a most prominent place among the truly big features we have yet played. As a comedienne Blanche Latelle is irresistible. As charming, sprightly, vivacious entertainer Helene Julyette is positively supreme. Because of the newness and novelty of the affair the act isreally [sic] the talk of the town, I, personally having received innumerable praise-worthy comments from scores of our regular patrons.
Singing and dancing, 12 minutes (1) man and lady. Good act, inasmuch as it is mostly all new and original material. Both have fairly acceptable singing voices which blend admirably; The man has one song which is really good. A clever little dance introduction at the termination shows skill and originality.
Singing and talking, 16 minutes (1) 2 ladies. One of two sings quite acceptably. The excessive avodupois [sic] of one of the two, combined with the almost cadaverous thinness of the other makes a most ludicrous contrast and the laughs were plentiful in consequence.
Russian singers and whirlwind dancers, 11 minutes full stage. 9 people. Opening song is very well done and goes well enough, to warrant more vocal work. Dancing is all done by two or three men, while the remainder of the troupe are merely on-lookers. Act is beautifully costumed and makes a big ‘sight,’ but there really ought to be more singing, inasmuch as their opening song is really the best portion of the entire act.
22 minutes, C.D.F. 3 men. Proved to be riot of laughter and the far-fetched comedy evidently pleased, for they were the recipients of unmistakable demonstrations of approval in the way of vigorous applause.
Musical and dancing novelty, 13 minutes (1) special drop Lady & man. Good novelty act, especially the dancing but the man who invests the turn with considerable comedy that produces much laughter. Instrumental selections by the lady acceptable. Pretty costumes, and appropriate scenery.