16 minutes full stage, special set. People, 15 dogs. A wonderful act, the greatest trained dog act ever seen here; But I reiterate my oft-made statement to the effect that this city does not like animal acts, however good. The best animal act in the business would not be accepted here as a feature, albeit there is no denying that this particular act is a marvelous exhibition of animal training.
16 minutes, full stage, special set. 2 ladies, 5 men. Poor act, not one of the cast manifesting any ability worth speaking of. The comedy hinges upon hurling of missiles from the upper windows striking the heads of those standing underneath; A continual running up and downstairs of the collapsible kind which give way beneath them precipitating them to the floor. They rely upon this to a great extent to win laughs, but it fails they rely upon this to a great extent to win laughs, but it fails utterly of its purpose. The whole affair is weak, decidedly weak.
15 minutes full stage special drop, 2 men. Very pretty act to witness, and two or three of the birds display great aptitude in their various stunts; But the act played the opposition house here scarcely two years ago, and this fact weakens it with our clientele, and especially as a feature for a holiday bill.
25 minutes, full stage, special set, 8 girls, 3 men. Good act containing catchy and tuneful songs, a bevy of fascinating and captivating girls, a comedian who is riot of laughter, and a clever little plot delightful told, all surrounded by a beautiful stage picture in the way of pretty scenic effects, and some stunning and striking costumes.
21 minutes (1) special drop, 1 lady, 6 men. The first part while in the circle is very mediocre, there being only one good solo. The talk contained more or less profanity and questionable jokes, which I commanded them to eliminate after the matinee. The quartette selections are the best thing they do, and it is the only portion that gets them anything like success.
Acrobatic roller skaters, 11 minutes (3) Lady & man. Good act, being somewhat different from most of its kind, in that the introduction of some clever acrobatic feats gives an added touch of noveltyquite [sic] out of keeping with acts of this nature.
‘The Burglar’s Union,’ 13 minutes, open one, close C.D.F. 3 men. Gets plenty of laughs with that brand of comedy which is chiefly characterized by terrific noise, and a slam-bang, boisterous, uproarous [sic] melee accompanied by numerous shots from revolvers of uncommonly loud caliber. Noise predominates the finale bring little short of a veritable din.
Card manipulator, 16 minutes (1). Extremely clever card manipulator, and while he displays nothing absolutely new, his various sleights are performed with a deftness and dexterity little short of amazing, making in all a very interesting and mystifying exhibition.
Juvenile singers and dancers, 18 minutes full stage. 3 girls. Exceptionally good act, in fact the best juvenile offering ever seen here. Great as comedians, and singers, but their dancing was a perfect riot of success. Tumultuous applause at all performances, the audience couldn’t seemingly get enough, and their costumes were extremely pretty and lent an added touch to the act which was quickly recognized. Entire act was an instantaneous and most emphatic hit.
Trained bear, 13 minutes full stage special drop. The roller skating is a new departure in acts of this kind, but as for the rest it is nothing but what we have had before. The wrestling business as the finish is of course funny and makes them laugh, even though it has been seen time and again in all other acts of this kind.