Assisted by Selman Fraser. Mentelepathy, 14 to 25 minutes. Very good act, having to reccomend [sic] it from a scientific viewpoint. It gives ground for much thought and great speculation as to the way in which they accomplish the seemingly miraculous. All audiences were very attentive and highly invested and already they have created quite a little sensation here in town. It is indeed a good novelty entertainment.
Singing skit, 22 minutes, full stage, special set. 2 ladies. 2 men. Fairly good act, disclosing plenty of comedy that is sure as a laugh getter. Vocal renditions are quite cleverly rendered in voices of caliber and power, making, all in all, an amusing and entertaining little skit.
20 minutes (1) 3 men. Rather weak as a feature. The talk includes some very ancient material; there are times when they harmonize fairly well, and their dancing numbers are really the best features of their work. They do not rank at all with some of the really big features we have been having back along.
Italian comedians, 18 minutes (1). One long continuous roar of laughter from start to finish. Their talk is decidedly funny and it is evident from the very outset that they are real comedians. Our audiences thought so, for they gave themselves up to solid enjoyment and paroxyisms [sic] of laughter, greatly enjoying the newness of the material used by this clever pair.
Musical, 14 minutes, full stage, special set. Lady and man. The musical farmyard idea has been so long before the public by various teams, that it has ceased to appeal as a novelty, and this team meets with no better success than might be reasonably (be) expected through the obtaining of peculiar music from milk-cans, picket fences, and other unusual sources. Their closing number is their one best effort, and is a trifle unique.
17 minutes, full stage, special set. 7 girls, 2 men. Fair act; comedy is very weak and secures little laughter. Singing is not exceptionally well-done, and the songs have done service for a long time past. There is not even the semblance of a dance, and there is not the slightest indication of any plot throughout the entire act. Scenic and lighting effects are extremely pretty and make a pleasing picture. Audience liked it, because they are always partial to things like this, great in numerical strength, with plenty of pretty scenery and costumes to delight the eye, and a goodly number of attractive girls as is the case with this offering.
Comedy talking and singing skit, 18 minutes (2) special drop. Lady and man. Good act, being refreshingly new and up-to-date. Comedy is spontaneous and unfailing as laugh producer, and they kept everyone well entertained throughout. Their closing number is excellent, than which, they scarcely could have selected a better.
16 minutes (1) lady and man. Good act, their work being characterized by dash and vivacity rarely seen. Their material is refreshingly new, and handled in a skillful manner. The dance numbers by the man awoke great interest in the part of the audience. Act went good at all performances.
Acrobatic, rug spinning and dancing, 14 minutes full stage, 2 ladies, 1 man. Good act of the novel and unique class, disclosing considerable work decidedly new, and rarely seen, making, on the whole an interesting bit of diversion, but scarcely of sufficient strength to constitute a feature, the two other acts being so weak as to necessitate something unusually good to overbalance, and bring the show up to anything like an alluring program.
27 minutes, open in one, close full stage. Special drop. 1 lady. 16 men. A truly wonderful act, given amidst beautiful scenery. The musical renditions are perfectly superb, while the vocal solos by the lady are supreme. The act received a tremendous ovation being recalled again and again. Their appearance here is a huge success, the applause being absolutely tumultuous, in fact they achieved the biggest hit ever recorded in the history of the Bijou, and they are positively the sensations of the hour here.