‘Cowboy Caruso.’ 10 minutes (1). An excellent repertoire of songs rendered in a very pleasing voice, makes an entertaining offering, but the act falls somewhat short of the usual degree of approbation usually accorded the real big events in the musical line seen here recently.
17 minutes, open full stage, close one. Good act getting plenty of laughs with some really good comedy, their material being new and original, and their finish is replete with features highly entertaining, but the act as a whole of the caliber to constitute a feature.
Acrobatic, 6 minutes full stage, 3 people, special set. Very good act, their head to hand balancing is truly marvelous, and one or two of their feats are extremely hazardous. The special setting is attractive and helps in making a pretty picture.
‘The Office Boy,’ 18 minutes, open C.D.F. Close one. 1 lady. 2 men. Intermittently it ascends to something akin to interest, only to fall back again into a rut of mediocrity from which there is no resurrection. Comedy of the rough variety obtains a laugh here and there throughout the presentation.
Sketch ‘Neighbors,’ 12 minutes full stage, 1 lady, 2 men. Good act abounding in rich Celtic humor which provides almost incessant laughter. The dialogue is exceptionally bright and sparkling at times, and there is an abundance of comedy in the bright sallies of wit interchanged between the principals, making, all in all, a good comedy offering.
Singing and dancing, 13 minutes (1) Lady and man. Act obtained through the Boston office to replace Hathway and Mack who were obliged to cancel to serious illness; the substitute act is good, offering good choice of songs in voices that blend admirably; but it is their dancing that makes the act a real success particularly on the part of the lady, whose work in this department has rarely been surpassed here.
17 minutes, special drop full stage and in one. 4 ladies. 5 men. Good act, displaying good voices in an admirable selection of numbers sufficiently diversified in character as to meet with the approbation of the most fastidious. The costuming too, is worthy of more than passing notice, and the act was well-received at all performances.
Rube musician, 12 minutes (1). Good act, his many renditions upon a large variety of instruments are capably executed, and comedy vein which underlies all that he does produced incessant laughter from a thoroughly appreciate audience.
Comedy talking skit, 15 minutes (2) Special prop trolley car. 2 men. Act secured through Boston office to replace The Kemps who were obliged to retire after the matinee performance, owing to a most severe cold which caused the lady great annoyance. This substitute act possess an excellent comedy vein, built along new lines, and productive of plenty of laughter. They were a hit at every performance.
20 minutes full stage. 1 lady. 2 men. Special drop. Not so many experiments! As in some acts of its kind seen here. The public seems to be tiring of this form of entertainment which too vividly recalls the ancient tricks of the mountebanks and charlatans of Cagliostro’s day, and they look askance at all such performances however pretentious or ambitious. The comedy which obtained through the employment of a ‘plant’ is little short of buffoonery.