Koler, Evans & Morton

Singing, talking and dancing, 15 minutes C.D.F. 3 men. Very weak feature. Their material is tame and uninteresting and they have difficulty in obtaining a few scattered laughs. Two of the principals have shown great ability in past performance, but they are woefully lacking in their present offering.

Swan & Swan

Dancing jugglers, 10 minutes (1) lady and man. Fairly good act, the idea of dancing while juggling being something of a novelty. Man does some clever work, but the lady is really too ill to work; she has already received medical attention from one of our leading physicians who advised her ‘to cease work, and go to bed.’ She continued to work, but the act is little better than a single, so far as the lady’s ability is concerned.

The Gladiators

Athletes, 9 minutes full stage special drop, 2 men. Very good act, performing a number of feats requiring great strength, and marvelous muscular development which these two possess in an unusual degree. Well put on as to scenic equipment, and made a real hit.

Five Violin Beauties

Musical offering, 15 minutes full stage, special drop. Fairly good act, display some rather fetching costumes, and their selections are just barely acceptable. The fact of their having played the opposition house during the Sheedy regime hurts the act emphatically, many of our patrons having told me personally that they had seen the act at the other house. This same is true of a number of other acts which we have offered recently, and I know positively that this condition hurts us materially.

MacRae & Clegg

Comedy bicycle, 10 minutes full stage. Very good act, many of their very difficult tricks are quite new, and performed in a darling and intrepid manner, while the comedy obtains a number of laughs throughout. The act however, is hardly a feature here, as they look for something really big in the head-line act; the general weakness of the surrounding show would demand something more pretentious than a bicycle act of two people to top the bill.

Ethel Mae Baker

Violiniste. 12 minutes (1) Falls far short of most similar offerings seen here in times past. Her program is quite varied embracing a good line of selections but does not somehow seem to ‘arrive.’ There is a vague, indefinable something lacking, which should be in evidence. Looks pretty and charming at all times, and displays some fetching costumes.

Barry & Daly

Singing, dancing and talking skit, 15 minutes (1). Only a passably fair act, Comedy is deplorably weak and produces practically no laughter. Man has one dance that is just fair, but the lady is not so happy in this department. The bulk of the blame may be attributed to the act itself; in a real vehicle they could undoubtedly accomplish something, but their present offering should be quickly relegated to the store-house.

Dunbar’s Royal Dragoons

Vocal and instrumental, 14 minutes (3) Plush drop. 8 men. Good act, being clever as instrumentalists, while their vocal selections were well received. Pretty costuming, and effective scenery add much to the act, which made a most emphatic hit at all performances.

Mr. & Mrs. James Kelso

Singing and talking comedy skit, C.D.F. Good act containing much new material. As a comedian Mr. Kelso is clever, while the imitation of an inebriated person by Mrs. Kelso is uproariously funny and meets with plenty of laughter; a sure hit in all performances.

John B. Hymer & Co.

In “Jimtown Junction.’ 20 minutes full stage. 1 lady. 2 men. Weak as a feature; produced a few intermittent laughs by the comedy which, on the whole, is weak. A very delicate and subtle vein of pathos at the termination helps to redeem the weakness of the earlier moments.